collapsonomics, n.
1. The study of economic and state systems at the edge of their normal social and economic function, including preventative measures to avoid destructive feedback loops and vicious cycles.
2. A consulting practice based on the scientific and historical understanding of collapse conditions, and responses to them.
It seems we need a term for big, obvious threats that are sure to emerge -
think asteroid impacts - but which few want to face.
Handily, students of "collapsonomics" have already coined one: "black elephants."
(New Scientist, 21 April 2010)
We're just not dealing with them at the scale necessary. If they all stampede at once, watch out.
(Thomas Friedman, 'Stampeding Black Elephants', New York Times, 22 Nov 2014)
IfC Articles and Papers
Collapsonomics links
Associated Projects
The Dark Mountain Project→ Uncivilisation
→ Vinay Gupta on collapsonomics at Uncivilisation 2010 (MP3, 1 hour)
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